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Spotted: Janery's Catnip Cuddler in Better Homes & Gardens

If you were flipping through a Better Homes & Gardens magazine at the store recently, you may have spotted a Janery cat bed in the wild!

Janery Catnip Cuddler in Better Homes and Gardens

While my products have been featured on many blogs, this was Janery’s first feature in a print publication.

Spoiler alert: It’s a great feeling to see your products in a magazine!

Thanks to Julia of Cuckoo 4 Design for including my Catnip Cuddler in the feature on her home. The Dalmatian Spot pattern continues to be one of my most popular styles ever, in both pet beds and throw pillows,  since black & white design is enjoying a long moment in the spotlight.

The BHG Stylemakers issue was a special publication without ads, and it hit newsstands in October.  If you’re curious to check it out, it may still be available where you live - I saw a few copies left last week at my local grocery store!