Before you drop off your spring cleaning donations, make sure your charity of choice has the best interests of pets and people in mind. Here are 7 charities that do!
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I’ve got a cat rescue story in the making, & I’d love you to be a part of it! Voodoo is a charming cat who is currently living at the Clarke County (VA) Animal Shelter. She requires extensive (and expensive) dental surgery to improve her quality of life. To help cover Voodoo's medical bills,...
I will forever remember 2020 as the time you made it possible for Janery to directly help so very many people in our communities. Thank you.
In January 2020 we had no idea what the year had in store for us. But as it ended, we'd made a tangible difference in many lives. None of this coul...
This month we learned just how much 5% of Janery's sales can do for animal rescue, when we made our quarterly donation to the Richmond Animal League. It was our biggest donation to date, and it's incredible how many animals were saved by it.