The final month of your senior year in college is not a good time to adopt a young puppy. Especially not if you’re also working three jobs. But that’s when Merlin found me. And oh, did I go out with a bang - or should I say woof - ending my college career with . . .
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On the day I found Charlie, I wasn’t allowed to have dogs in my rental. My apartment was the second floor of a two-story house, and my landlord and his Rottweiler lived on the first floor. (My apartment, did, however, have the most fabulous turquoise stove in its vintage 1950’s kitchen.)
And so...
February 2017
We were one block from home when I felt the tug on the leash behind me. I turned back to encourage Merlin, who sometimes stopped to sniff every blade of grass on a walk. His breathing was labored, and he looked at me with a question in his eyes.
The pups and I walked my toddler t...
The pack of puppies stepped out in front of my car, oblivious to any danger. The big black and tan leader of the pack watched warily as my car slowed to a stop. I looked at Charlie in the back seat of my car, herself a former stray from this very neighborhood, and suddenly I was opening the doo...