I’ve known for a while now that my four-legged family members seem to find me in their own time and their own way. If you’ve been following along on Instagram, you know that our latest addition KG found us not long after our kitty Aretha had crossed the rainbow bridge. However, that’s not the only furry friend we’ve been adopted by over the years.

When we bought our new home in rural Virginia, we expected to start a new chapter in our lives. What we didn’t expect was starting that new chapter with a new furry friend, but we are so lucky our home came with Hidey. It took a little patience and understanding on our part (we were invading her home after all), but our patience paid off. She accepted us as her new family, and now you’d never know she wasn’t always a part of our lives.

I’ve previously shared the stories of my first dog Charlie (the inspiration for Janery), Merlin, and Amber and now I would like to share our cat Hidey’s story.
We were honored to be given the opportunity to share her story over at LoveMeow. Her story is pretty fabulous, and I can’t wait for you to read it.