Congrats to our latest #JaneryStyle ComPETition winner, Hanx and his mom, Taura.
We always leave it up to random.org to pick our winner, because there’s no way we could choose ourselves!
Taura and her trio of Manx have been longtime fans of Janery and we’ve enjoyed watching her pride grow over the years, but when we saw Hanx, well, we could tell he was special.
Since Hanx is so purr-ty atop his Faux Fur Catnip Cuddler, we decided to give him the model treatment and learn more about his story.
How old is Hanx?
Hanx just turned 6 months old and he’s already almost 8 lbs!
What was the inspiration for Hanx’s name?
Tom Hanks was visiting my town while filming the Mr. Roger’s movie so I checked his Instagram to see if he posted anything local and noticed that he signed all of his posts as Hanx. I thought that would make a great cat name, and lo and behold, not two weeks later I ended up with a kitten! My friends call him Tom Hanx Cat, lol.
How did Hanx join your family?
My coworker found him wandering in her yard when he was only 4 weeks old. After much peer pressure, I took him in to complete my Manx Trifecta. He was still on kitten formula and had never seen a litter box before, but otherwise, he’s been the easiest cat I’ve ever had.
What are some of Hanx’s funniest habits?
Hanx is a giant goofball! He never turns around to look at things, he just turns his head around or flips it upside down to see what’s going on behind him! He’s quite the cuddler and enjoys hanging out inside my sweatshirt.
What’s Hanx’s sleeping style? Is he a curler-upper, a stretcher-outer, or a flop-down-anywhere sort of pet?
Hanx can fall asleep anywhere. He normally curls up like a little shrimp, but sometimes he’ll just stretch out across my ankles or over another cat with his head hanging off the couch.
What kind of treats does Hanx go crazy for?
Food. In general. Mine. His. He doesn’t mind! He acts like he’s always starving.
How has Hanx changed your life/your family’s life for the better?
Hanx came to me not long before my best friend passed away from cancer. Having his crazy antics to take my mind off things and always have a warm fuzzy cat in my lap helped me greatly. He sleeps under the covers with me every night, he follows me everywhere I go, and he keeps the Big Kitties on their toes! We’re all so glad to have him.
Do you have other pets?
Pixie (7) and Thea (4) are both Manx cats as well. I adopted Thea about a year before Hanx and she and Pixie had tolerated each other but it wasn’t love. Hanx fills such a need for both of them. Thea is definitely a Momma and taught him how to be a cat and he will cuddle with her and they’ll groom each other for hours. Pixie is so playful and is glad to have a friend to get into trouble with!
What has been your biggest challenge with Hanx?
Ankle biting! He didn’t have littermates to teach him to play, so he learned from Thea, who I often refer to as The Bitey One.
If you could give prospective or new pet owners one piece of advice, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to take in an orphan kitten! Kitten Lady’s website taught me everything I needed to know and my little boy is the most bonded, sweet, playful guy I could’ve ever imagined!
Remember, you can share your #JaneryStyle anytime - even if you've had your Janery for months, or years even. Here's how to throw your leash in the ring for a chance to win a fetching bi-monthly #JaneryStyle prize package worth $86:
On Instagram:
- Post a pic of your pet enjoying a Janery product* on your Instagram account.
- Tag @shopjanery in the photo
- Use #JaneryStyle somewhere in the caption or comment so we know you're playing along!
- Follow @shopjanery on Instagram.
- Enter multiple times--just use a different photo each time!
- Check to make sure your IG profile is set to public so we can see it!
On Facebook:
- Post a pic of your pet enjoying a Janery product* on Janery’s Facebook page.
- Tag @shopjanery in the post.
- Use #JaneryStyle in your post so we know you’re game.
- Follow @shopjanery on Facebook.
- Enter multiple times--just use a different photo each time!
*No, it doesn't have to be a pet bed! If your pet loves to pose with our throw pillows, that's cool too!
For full contest details click here.
Taura and her trio love our Catnip Cuddlers and Catnip Kicker toys. Just rescued your first feline? You’ll want to check out our Cat Lady Starter Kit.
Special thanks and a hearty round of “app-paws” to Taura, Pixie, Thea and of course Hanx for taking the time to answer our questions and share their story with us.